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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Processing. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

Processing 3
And now for some interactivity !!
A new project MAGIC WEB implements some interaction making the user create its own design.
Read the following instructions to learn what can be modified and how.
As usual here follows the introduction to the project I made for the course:

// Always loved the geometric pictures that can create curves using straight the picture made
// using nails and threads. So this was my chance, and now I can make the object change its shape while
// doing it, a feature impossible for the real object. For this project my focus is more on the shape than
// on the colors, those I simplified using grey, black and white because I think that
// the 'feel' of this kind of picture is kind of similiar of that of the elegant oriental ideograms. 


// Keys 1, 2, 3, 4 activate-deactivate elements
// s - S save picture
// Canc - Back Space erase

// Mouse drag along y axis increase-decrease the number of threads
//drag along x axsis modifies the angle of the web's corner

martedì 21 ottobre 2014

Processing 2

This was my second attempt at doing something in Processing, this was an assignment for a course and I was trying to use just the elements that where introduced during the lessons. At the time nothing about animation was explained nor the definition of function was inntroduced, so I managed to produce something animated in a not really ortodox way :)
The result was not so displeasing, and here follow the lines I used to introduce the project to the others partecipants:

// Just some exploration of the possibilities of the conccepts introduced during the third week
// I just wanted something that could evoke the ideas of flowing and sounds
// even if there is nothing of those at all :)
// Here is my result, there are no optimization and there is no real timing of the effects
// I have to find a good way to manage 'time' in processing, but it could be an interesting
// starting point.
// Simple elements and soft colors, I think, is a way for making the efffect not too 'difficult'
// and less wearisome.

giovedì 2 ottobre 2014

Processing 1

This is my first exrcise in Processing, the strange is that Processing and the concept of animation are quite tied, but this first assignement was just about static concepts, and so...

"Just a simple exercise using basic shapes and basic use of colors...
 ... or not? ... don't know but, for me, it is never so simple ...
 after thinking for a while I decided to try to catch the changing
 in shape and color of a subject freezing the transformations
 in their frames. I liked the effect of the small increase in
 size of the triangle, easy to notice in the two first rows
 and then more difficult to see (in a certain way is really similar
 to the real growth of the things), something complex represented
 using simple elements.
 For the choice of the colors ... I know: they are usually classified
 as cold colors, but I like very much blue and cyan shades so for
 my 'private' images I like to use them."

However it was a not so simple task finding a way to upload a working Processing project, and the future posts will benefit of the work done.