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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Games. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 11 novembre 2020

Zx Spectrum Next - Game study

A new project started following Jim Bagley's live sessions.
It is a jump back in the past programming on Spectrum some simple games-like stuff.
The above is an example written in ZXBasic that is full of great features for making simple games.
Let see if we will port some of this in machine code, at least this is what Jim is trying to do....

venerdì 1 maggio 2015

Low-poly cartoon Dragon

And now: ... the main character ... the hero ... the small (and a bit fat ;) ) dragon Alex !!
Yes, here is the man who can solve the quest. Not really a man but ... child likes dragons, or so it seems. Obviously there is nothing to say about the name and who chose it (quite easy to guess, no ?)
I liked the idea of modeling a cute low poly dragon and, when it was finished, even Alex liked it and decided its name ad asked me to make it walk ...
From there it was easy thinking of doing even something more, it took a lots of time, but now the main structure of a simple game done in Blender BGE is ready and more ideas are coming! :)

venerdì 23 agosto 2013

Ms Snake!

Even during the summer break there was the chance for doing some graphics: a lovely project for bringing new life to a nice character of years ago.
Using the hardware and software specifics of the first game console you can try to write a old fashion game ... we liked the idea and chose the snake classic as subject for a start, but with a small change compared to the original :)
Here is the link for the project:  Ms Snake!