domenica 20 settembre 2020

Wizard Mouse

This little fellow was sketched when my son lost his first tooth.
Here the traditional story is that: a small magical mouse that comes during the children sleep, takes the tooth and drops a valuable coins as gift.
So I made a quick drawing of my version of this fantastic character... and also this, was just the first step of a new more complex project...
As usual: more about this in a future post.

giovedì 17 settembre 2020

8-Bit Invaders


Never, never, never give a squared sheet of paper to someone that played with an 8-bit computer!!!
The risk is of starting an invasion of pixel-alien creatures!
And so it was.
I started doing variations on an 8x8 grid and sketched a bunch of them... not only the ones you see above...
a bit more :)
When I finished a question raised: 'Can I leave them just on paper?'
Obviously not!
So I started a new task: create a digital version of them...

martedì 15 settembre 2020

Golosaurus Rex

 And here we go with another sketch!
Someone spoke a rare dinosaur's species.
One that was well known for his capacity of eating huge amounts of food, especially if well cooked!!!

Several specimens are thought to be still alive and walk among us ;)


And so it is: I've met one
of them it seems!

After making a quick pencil sketch to document the finding...
I added a bit of color to make a clear picture of this really dangerous monster!

lunedì 14 settembre 2020

A new little friend


A new little guy was added to the number of sketches and creations!
Ok it is just a simple 3d model, and also quite schematic... so what can make it so interesting?
Trust me: there is a reason for each element of this simple model.
More on this in a future post :)


Here is a logo for a company that works leather and leather shoes.
Not only it has to be printed on paper and shoppers, also has to be impressed directly on leather goods.
So a compact shape, easy to recognize, high contrast and few details.
The font was already registered for the company identity, so a graphical layout was needed, possibly displaying also one tool used i this kind of activities.
In the end the customer was satisfied, and that is the most important aspect!

lunedì 27 marzo 2017

La Guerra dei Draghi

Don't ask why but, I'm proud to show you all the result of my last project, a small book:
'La Guerra dei Draghi'.
I worked on this during the spare time of the last months (so, really, no much time :) ).
The idea was born from seeing a friend publishing a book and seeing that the result was not bad at all, and from a bed-time story that I made up for my son when he was very young.
When I started telling him, probably, he could not even understand what I was saying but he needed to know that he was not alone, and I needed a way to stay awake... so...
Now he is grown up and he still remembers some of the story, but he could not put all the pieces together and make a complete story.
But he is going to start reading on his own in a short time.
So I said myself that I could try to make a short book, in this way if he will want to know how the story was when he will be capable of reading it.
Said that I started what resulted in a long term project: I made seventeen pictures and wrote the text trying to stay simple and short, and then put all together.

Being able to finish the project and print the book was very gratifying, way more than completing a PC image or 3D project.
Now I don't know if my son will ever read it or even give it a glance ... perhaps he will not be interested any more in fantasy stories, but one can not always be sure of what the future will be ...

domenica 4 settembre 2016

Georgia a Typographic Poster

A new post at last, but this is not a 'non productive year': on the contrary I'm doing a lot o experiments with different techniques and, most interesting, I'm working more on paper than on screen.
This is a peculiar exercise done in a typographic context.
The idea was creating a poster having a Font as subject and using the minimum number possible of graphic elements.
I found the idea interesting and gave it a try: this is the result of my attempt.
Above all it was an interesting way of aproaching the 'universe' of typography.