giovedì 21 giugno 2012

Software Interface

It is a long time since the last post and a lot of things have happened. A new job most of which has to do with 2D graphics and softwares, and animations, and web sites...and a lots more :)

One of the first projects I worked on, was the interface for a new software the company was developing. It was an extremely interesting challange: as almost always in this kinds of tasks not only the graphic aspect has to be taken in consideration but even, and mainly the needs of operators and the functionality embedded in each object have to be planned and considered.

This month the software has undergone the first test with customers, and has become 'public'.
In this post there are the slides used as reference by developers for coding the new program.

So here you can see the starting screen with the name of the product, follows the log-in screen, and then three shots of the operator screen with different active tools.

The last two images are the revisor environment with its main tools activated.
The real object uses a web based interface and technology and this can give some limitation to the freedom of the graphics elements; more while developing some new requests were advanced and new needs recognised, so some implementations differs slightly from what is reported in this pictures. But the core objects and graphics are still these.

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