mercoledì 1 luglio 2015

Grendel meets his match

A new pencil sketch: Grendel meets Beowulf. 
Recently a new graphic novel was published on Beowulf and his deeds ... I could never have missed something of this kind, Beowulf is my favourite 'fantasy' hero, and the idea of seeing some good graphics about him was really intriguing. But the pictures I saw of this work were a bit disappointing for my taste (nothing against the work of the authors, just this kind of graphic style was not what I was hoping for)... and then it was too late: the idea for a sketch was seeded, and here it is.
The idea was that the first blow's exchange was the decisive one: on one side Grendel was used to crush and dismember his prey in a single action, thanks to his great strength. On the other side the warrior has no time to waste: his enemy is a huge killing machine, and he has to disable it quickly if hoping in a win. So he has to break the action of the ogre and, at the same time, do a lot of damage, enough to land other blows from a vantage position.
This idea brougth several images, a sequence really, but time was enough just to draw the real moment of this first exchange...but there is material for other projects, and, not last, the curiosity of drastically changing the graphic style used ... but ... we will see :)

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